Other Resources

Funding for digital humanities and community engagement projects is also available from a number of sources inside and outside of Lehigh. Some grants can be combined with the MDHI grants. Additional funding sources include:

Faculty Research Grants provide funding of up to $6,000 for research for conduct, completion and expansion of research projects. Priority is given to projects most likely to give rise to new opportunities for the faculty members involved, whether by seeding new projects or by expanding the scope, impact or visibility of existing projects.  Applications will be due on Friday, October 9, no later than 5 PM EST.

Accelerator Grants support teams of Lehigh investigators in developing multi-investigator research programs in particularly promising areas.  Based on a team’s identification of a major, specific area of opportunity and ways in which it can excel in that area, these grants provide significant flexibility in use of the grant funds to address the opportunity.  Teams are expected to use these grants to broaden and quicken their access to extramural support, at levels that enable them to sustain highly productive and highly prominent multi-investigator programs. Letters of Intent will be due on Friday, October 16, no later than 5 PM EST.  Proposals will be due on Friday, October 30, no later than 5 PM EST.

A workshop for those considering applying for an Accelerator grant, or simply wishing to know more about the program, will be held on September 28, 2015 from Noon to 1:30.  Please see email announcements and the Research@Lehigh blog at lehighresearch.wordpress.com for details.

Guidelines, with application instructions, can be found at https://research.lehigh.edu. Questions about either of these programs can be addressed to VPResearch@lehigh.edu

  • Lehigh Forum Student Research Grants (see information below):

All Lehigh students are eligible to receive a Student Research Grant to support individual research projects furthering their education. The Grants are based on the student-demonstrated significance of the project and its relationship to his/her education goals. Preference is given to undergraduates, but graduate students with meritorious projects outside their thesis work are also considered. The Grants normally do not exceed $500 and usually are smaller, e.g., $50-200 since a finite annual budget of $3,000 is typically available for total funding. Applicants are encouraged to check with Faculty Advisors, Department Chairs, and Center and Institute Directors, to see if partial support can be obtained from these sources. Stipends or salaries are not funded.

Proposals for 2015/2016 may be submitted before October 5, 2015 and awards are made before October 23rd, 2015, according to the availability of funds. The awards will be announced by October 23rd, 2015 via email to the corresponding Faculty Advisor.

Proposals must be typed in a concise form, and should include:

  1. Title
  2. Background information
  3. Objective of the proposed research
  4. Approach to the problem
  5. Significance of the proposed research and its relation to the student's education goals
  6. Estimated time for completion
  7. Budget
  8. References

The cover page must include: the student's identification (undergraduate or graduate, class, major), address, and the signature of a Faculty Advisor who is willing to monitor the research. Letters of recommendation may also be included. Unless specified in the proposal, research performed should be completed by the end of the Spring 2016 semester

Students who plan to use laboratory animals or human subjects in their research must also include in their proposal a description of the appropriate safeguard and how they are to be implemented also that any involving human or animal participants must have IRB approval.

Information on these safeguards may be obtained from the student's Faculty Advisor or the Office of Research and Sponsored Studies.

Please email a word or pdf version of your signed proposal with adviser signature on it to job314@lehigh.edu. In Subject line, please specify "Forum Student Research Grants."